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Address: 2875   Departure Bay Rd
City: Nanaimo 
State: BC 
Property Type: Freestanding 
Square Footage/Acreage: 2,000 sf 

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Once you have selected all of the properties that interest you, please press the Send Request button below.

Delete Athens-GA 3,937 sf
Delete New York-NY 10,500 sf
Delete Brooklyn-NY 10,521 sf
Delete Mesquite-TX 7.00 acres
Delete Lexington-MA 69,154 sf
Delete Melbourne-FL 16,000 sf
Delete Burnaby-BC 3,200 sf
Delete Eutaw-AL 8,633 sf
Delete Versailles-KY 6,082 sf
Delete Clinton-MO 6,069 sf
Delete Cherry Hill-NJ 2,400 sf
Delete Charlotte-NC 3,712 sf
Delete Lafayette-LA 6,000.00 6,000
Delete Columbia-TN 3,886 sf
Delete Yucca Valley -CA 7,800 sf
Delete Baton Rouge-LA 12,480 sf
Delete Madison-IN 11,427 sf
Delete Montgomery-AL 7,983 sf
Delete Addison-AL 12,687 sf
Delete Quesnel-BC 2,450 sf
Delete Mobile-AL 6,487 sf
Delete Denham Springs-LA 2,772 sf
Delete Boynton Beach-FL 2,263 sf
Delete Gulfport-MS 0.00 acres
Delete Houston-TX 9,026 sf
Delete Prince George-BC 0.35 acres
Delete Victoria-BC 3,392 sf
Delete Jackson-MS 6,480 sf
Delete Louisville-KY 9,014 sf
Delete Girard-PA 0.75 acres
Delete Courtenay-BC 2,500 sf
Delete Huntsville-AL 4.36 acres
Delete Barnesville-GA 1,200 sf
Delete Ortonville-MI 4.24 acres
Delete Canadian-TX 6,941 sf
Delete Montgomery-AL 7,958 sf
Delete Lakewood-CO 4,372 sf
Delete Monticello-AR 8,320 sf
Delete Duluth-GA 4,032 sf
Delete Decatur-GA 10,666 sf
Delete Waltham-MA 35,009 sf
Delete Montgomery-AL 9,165 sf
Delete Holly Hill-SC 9,100 sf
Delete Louisville-GA 1,650 sf


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Melville, NY 11747

Phone: (516) 365-6400