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Address: 4020   Minnesota Avenue NE
City: Washington 
State: DC 
Property Type: End Cap 
Square Footage/Acreage: 2,000 sf 

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Click the button or Call 800-435-8384 For More Information.

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Once you have selected all of the properties that interest you, please press the Send Request button below.

Delete Concord-CA 183,149 sf
Delete Reeves-LA 10,587 sf
Delete Pineville-LA 9,014 sf
Delete Montrose-MI 10,478 sf
Delete Columbus-OH 9,100 sf
Delete Marysville-MI 1.46 acres
Delete Clayton-AL 10,531 sf
Delete Escondido-CA 8,163 sf
Delete Ashtabula-OH 3,000 sf
Delete Clinton-MO 6,069 sf
Delete Washington-DC 2,000 sf
Delete Fort Wayne-IN 0.87 acres
Delete Centre-AL 10,568 sf
Delete Fishkill-NY 10,000 sf
Delete Montgomery-AL 8,320 sf
Delete Lithia Springs-GA 1,346 sf
Delete Victoria-BC 2,381 sf
Delete Charlotte-NC 13,556 sf
Delete Kerman-CA 8,357 sf
Delete Millry-AL 10,531 sf
Delete Manchester-OH 7,729 sf
Delete Bearden-AR 7,970 sf
Delete Terre Haute-IN 7,936 sf
Delete Morganfield-KY 9,156 sf
Delete Hyde Park-IL 18,133 sf
Delete Simi Valley-CA 0 sf
Delete Lake Bluff-IL 7,101 sf
Delete Camrose-AB 2,450 sf
Delete Romulus-MI 7,645 sf
Delete Canadian-TX 6,941 sf
Delete Berkeley-CA 4,700 sf
Delete Southgate-KY 8,122 sf
Delete Memphis-TN 6,876 sf
Delete Houston-TX 9,026 sf
Delete Cheektowaga-NY 5,068 sf
Delete Albany-NY 4,020 sf
Delete Geraldine-AL 11,374 sf
Delete Kalamazoo-MI 7,331 sf
Delete Denham Springs-LA 2,772 sf
Delete Melrose Park-IL 8,600 sf
Delete Madison-IN 11,427 sf
Delete Isabela-PR 10,578 sf
Delete Coffeeville-AL 10,500 sf
Delete Memphis-TN 9,026 sf
Delete Fairview Heights-IL 8,213 sf
Delete Nanaimo-BC 2,000 sf
Delete Beachwood-OH 9,500 sf
Delete Flagstaff-AZ 1,540 sf
Delete Forestdale-AL 8,100 sf
Delete Jackson-MS 1.20 acres


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290 Broadhollow Road
Suite 103E
Melville, NY 11747

Phone: (516) 365-6400

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290 Broadhollow Road
Suite 103E
Melville, NY 11747

Phone: (516) 365-6400