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Address: 3900   Orange Place
City: Beachwood 
State: OH 
Property Type: Freestanding 
Square Footage/Acreage: 9,500 sf 

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Delete Addison-AL 12,687 sf
Delete Battle Creek-MI 0.75 acres
Delete Brooklyn-NY 9,868 sf
Delete Dixon-CA 4,366 sf
Delete Hartsville-SC 6,720 sf
Delete Jackson-MS 3,551 sf
Delete Bearden-AR 7,970 sf
Delete Virginia Beach-VA 1,800 sf
Delete Baldwin-NY 2,940 sf
Delete Carmel-IN 21,673 sf
Delete Upper Arlington-OH 3,557 sf
Delete Mobile-AL 6,487 sf
Delete Enterprise-AL 6,610 sf
Delete Montgomery-AL 7,983 sf
Delete Yucca Valley -CA 7,800 sf
Delete Brooklyn-NY 10,521 sf
Delete Easton-MD 1,431 sf
Delete Berry-AL 7,958 sf
Delete Overland-MO 6,777 sf
Delete Berlin-WI 1.34 acres
Delete Decatur-GA 10,666 sf
Delete Opelousas-LA 7,010 sf
Delete Prince George-BC 0.44 acres
Delete Elizabethtown-KY 4,606 sf
Delete Mayaguez-PR 9,509 sf
Delete Boston-PA 8,620 sf
Delete Danville-IL 6.62 acres
Delete Beloit-WI 0.34 acres
Delete Toledo-OH 9,536 sf
Delete Duluth-GA 4,032 sf
Delete Washington-DC 1,250 sf
Delete Jackson-SC 8,125 sf
Delete Ellijay-GA 8,189 sf
Delete Canadian-TX 6,941 sf
Delete Kansas City-KS 9,100 sf
Delete Washington-DC 2,000 sf
Delete Allen-OK 10,531 sf
Delete Delavan-WI 2.75 acres
Delete Denham Springs-LA 2,772 sf
Delete Simi Valley-CA 0 sf
Delete Edmonton-AB 2,900 sf
Delete Orange-TX 7,958 sf
Delete Pulaski-VA 10,500 sf
Delete Birmingham-AL 1,740 sf
Delete Douglasville-GA 0.46 acres
Delete Los Angeles-CA 10,707 sf
Delete Columbus-GA 0.81 acres
Delete Philadelphia-PA 9,164 sf
Delete Grandview-MO 0.74 acres
Delete Harrodsburg-KY 6,895 sf
Delete Kalamazoo-MI 7,331 sf
Delete Memphis-TN 8,795 sf
Delete Montgomery-AL 9,165 sf
Delete Deltona-FL 2.33 acres
Delete Katy-TX 3,200 sf
Delete Columbia-TN 3,886 sf
Delete Pollock-LA 8,913 sf
Delete Tallulah-LA 1,254 sf
Delete Irwindale-CA 12,960 sf
Delete Meridian-MS 7,958 sf
Delete Nanaimo-BC 2,000 sf
Delete Centre-AL 10,568 sf
Delete New Orleans-LA 9,180 sf
Delete Garden City-GA 4,279 sf
Delete Clayton-AL 10,531 sf
Delete Melrose Park-IL 8,600 sf
Delete Clinton-MO 6,069 sf
Delete Terre Haute-IN 7,936 sf
Delete Fort Wayne-IN 0.87 acres
Delete Johnstown-PA 2,456 sf
Delete Flagstaff-AZ 1,540 sf
Delete Juana Diaz-PR 11,476 sf
Delete Cathedral City-CA 8,804 sf
Delete Chambersburg-PA 3,029 sf
Delete Carthage-MS 10,537 sf
Delete El Paso-TX 9,790 sf
Delete Tucson-AZ 2,400 sf
Delete Montgomery-AL 7,958 sf
Delete Junction City-KS 7,744 sf
Delete Albany-NY 4,020 sf
Delete Stoneboro-PA 10,558 sf
Delete Memphis-TN 6,876 sf
Delete Baltimore-MD 2,000 sf
Delete Quesnel-BC 2,450 sf
Delete New York-NY 9,361 sf
Delete Fort Myers-FL 3,608 sf
Delete Ashtabula-OH 3,000 sf
Delete North Little Rock-AR 8,460 sf
Delete Dunseith-ND 9,990 sf
Delete Dumas-AR 8,000 sf
Delete Alapaha-GA 7,958 sf
Delete St. Albans-WV 1.10 acres
Delete Chicago-IL 5,403 sf
Delete Camrose-AB 2,450 sf
Delete Louisville-KY 9,014 sf
Delete Bayamon-PR 13,826 sf


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Melville, NY 11747

Phone: (516) 365-6400