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Address: 1615-1617   Eastchester Road
City: Bronx 
State: NY 
Property Type: Medical 
Square Footage/Acreage: 6,391 sf 

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Delete Sarasota-FL 8,320 sf
Delete Victoria-BC 1,500 sf
Delete Millport-AL 10,477 sf
Delete Jackson-MS 6,480 sf
Delete Forestdale-AL 8,100 sf
Delete Clever-MO 4,026 sf
Delete Bonifay-FL 7,958 sf
Delete Monroeville-PA 40,000 sf
Delete Bessemer-AL 8,337 sf
Delete Carmel-IN 21,673 sf
Delete Artesia-NM 8,280 sf
Delete Burnaby-BC 3,200 sf
Delete Tampa-FL 8,811 sf
Delete Fort Scott-KS 7,700 sf
Delete Tyler-TX 1.00 acres
Delete Austin-TX 8,024 sf
Delete Melrose Park-IL 8,600 sf
Delete Denver-CO 0.83 acres
Delete Brooklyn-NY 8,840 sf
Delete Bangor-MI 7,453 sf
Delete Vallejo-CA 11,092 sf
Delete Lykens-PA 8,000 sf
Delete New York-NY 9,361 sf
Delete Birmingham-AL 8,320 sf
Delete Montgomery-AL 7,983 sf
Delete Micco-FL 8,000 sf
Delete Kansas City-MO 8,066 sf
Delete Montgomery-AL 8,320 sf
Delete Unionville-MO 10,500 sf
Delete Yucca Valley -CA 7,800 sf
Delete Canadian-TX 6,941 sf
Delete Alapaha-GA 7,958 sf
Delete Albany-NY 4,020 sf
Delete Lexington-SC 7,339 sf
Delete Hokes Bluff-AL 10,686 sf
Delete Natchitoches-LA 3,996 sf
Delete St. Francis-MN 1.06 acres
Delete Elizabethtown-KY 4,606 sf
Delete Indianapolis-IN 8,772 sf
Delete Davenport-IA 1.67 acres
Delete Meridian-MS 7,958 sf
Delete Colorado Springs-CO 10,091 sf
Delete Charlotte-NC 13,556 sf
Delete Pennington-AL 10,500 sf
Delete Berry-AL 7,958 sf
Delete Kansas City-KS 9,100 sf
Delete Upper Arlington-OH 3,557 sf
Delete Pensacola-FL 7,451 sf
Delete Hector-AR 10,730 sf
Delete Lake Bluff-IL 35,500 sf
Delete Marion-KS 10,519 sf
Delete Greenup-KY 6,000 sf
Delete Cherry Hill-NJ 2,400 sf
Delete Lake Bluff-IL 7,101 sf
Delete Mesa-AZ 3,600 sf
Delete Katy-TX 3,200 sf
Delete La Grange-GA 16,060 sf
Delete New York-NY 10,500 sf
Delete Mount Hermon-LA 10,528 sf
Delete Ortonville-MI 4.24 acres
Delete Cheektowaga-NY 5,068 sf
Delete Denham Springs-LA 2,772 sf
Delete Fort Myers-FL 3,608 sf
Delete Louisville-KY 9,014 sf
Delete Birmingham-AL 1,740 sf
Delete Madison-IN 11,427 sf
Delete Girard-PA 0.75 acres
Delete Round Rock-TX 1.69 acres
Delete Fairview Heights-IL 8,213 sf
Delete Virginia Beach-VA 7,450 sf
Delete Harrodsburg-KY 6,895 sf
Delete Brooklyn-NY 10,521 sf
Delete Washington-DC 1,250 sf
Delete Victorville-CA 6,976 sf


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Suite 103E
Melville, NY 11747

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290 Broadhollow Road
Suite 103E
Melville, NY 11747

Phone: (516) 365-6400